Taxi Plan : A superb view of Sasebo! Enjoy the Kujukushima Islands from the Funakoshi Observatory and at the Kujukushima Pearl Sea Resort course

If you want to experience the Kujukushima Islands, here you go!

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【Tour contents】
JR Sasebo Station→(SSK)→(U.S. Naval Base Main Gate)→(JMSDF Headquarters Sasebo District)→Funakoshi Observatory→Kujukushima Pearl Sea Resort/Aquarium or Pleasure Boat Cruise→(SSK)→(JMSDF Headquarters Sasebo District)→(U.S. Naval Base Main Gate)→JR Sasebo Station ※ ( ) means sightseeing from the window.


Address 857-0863 長崎県佐世保市三浦町21-1
TEL 0956-22-6630(佐世保観光情報センター)
Price Regular Taxi 16,900yen
Jumbo Taxi 25,700yen
Minimum number of participants Regular Taxi 1~4people
Jumbo Taxi 1~9people
Reservation Sasebo Convention & Visitors Association


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