Kashiragashima Church (かしらがしまてんしゅどう)

Located on the World Heritage site, “Hidden Christian Sites in the Nagasaki Region - Villages in Kashiragashima Island”.

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Kashiragashima Church, this sandstone church, a rare sight in Japan, was built by Christians returning to the islands after the period of persecution, from stones they quarried themselves. The church is designated as an Important Cultural Property of Japan and is part of the “Churches and Christian Sites in Nagasaki” bid for designation as a World Heritage Site.


Address 857-4102 長崎県南松浦郡新上五島町友住郷頭ヶ島638
TEL 0959-42-0964(新上五島町観光物産協会)
FAX 0959-42-0967


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