Saikai Bridge Whirlpool Festival

A great contrast of whirlpools and cherry blossoms.

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Overlooking Inoura Strait, the gateway of Omura Bay, is Saikai Bridge Park. The strait possesses one of the three great rapid tides of Japanese waters, and whirlpools can appear at any moment. The contrast of the whirlpools and some 1,000 cherry trees in full bloom is uncannily picturesque.


Address 859-3451 長崎県佐世保市針尾東町2678(西海橋公園)
TEL 0956-58-2004(西海橋公園管理事務所)
FAX 0956-27-0309
Access By car/ 20 min. from Nishi Kyushu Exp. Sasebo Daito IC, or 3 min. from Pearl Line Komukae IC.
By bus/ 50 min. from Sasebo Station Bus Terminal. Take the local line bound for "Saikai Bridge West Gate", get off at the last stop. Or take one for"Saikai Bridge Corazon Hotel", get off at Saikai Bridge East Gate and approx. 10-min. walk from there.
Dates Mar 16 - April 7, 2024


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