Sotome Museum of History and Folklore (シツブンカムラ:ナガサキシソトメレキシミンゾクシリョウカン)

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The long and rich history of Sotome, with its beginnings in the Paleolithic era, is introduced through numerous and precious exhibition items. There is earthenware and household items from the Jomon and Kofun periods, as well as items related to coal mining on Ikeshima and the "hidden Christians", such as the Maria-kannon.


Address 長崎県長崎市西出津町2800番地
TEL 0959-25-1188
Hours of Operation 9:00~17:00
Closed December 29ーJanuary 3.
Price Adults:310 yen
Elementary, junior high school, and high school students:100 yen
(shared admission with Father de Rotz Memorial Museum)
Access 3 minutes' walk from the Shitsu Bunka Mura Bus Stop


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